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Celebrating National Make a Difference to a Child Month

Celebrating National Make a Difference to a Child Month

At NCB, we believe in empowering families to achieve financial well-being. That’s why we offer a variety of resources, including our valuable e-learning modules.

In celebration of National Make a Difference to a Child Month, we’d like to encourage you to spend time with the children in your life having crucial conversations about finances early and often. We know these conversations can sometimes be confusing to navigate and it can be hard to know what is developmentally appropriate.

To help alleviate that stress and provide you with guidance, we have several learning modules curated for you.

  • Family Conversations About Money: Discover appropriate conversations about money that can include children, partners, grandparents and even extended family.
  • Teaching Kids to Budget: This session is full of activities and techniques to help kids get comfortable with managing money, building the habit of saving and spending wisely.
  • Budgeting for Families: Identify opportunities to include family financial conversations in daily life and explain the importance of goal setting.

Our e-learning modules are a valuable resource for families of all ages, sizes and shapes. We encourage you to explore them and discover how they can help you build a brighter financial future for yourself and your loved ones. Get started today by visiting our Financial Education Center and make a difference today.

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