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Sectors we Serve

Cooperative Solutions
For Credit Unions, CUSOs & Leagues

Given our shared cooperative roots, credit unions and NCB have had a mutually beneficial relationship since NCB’s inception.

NCB’s mission, vision and values of serving cooperatives align well with those of Credit Unions given the bank’s deep ties to the credit union community. The credit union community is represented on the bank’s board of directors, and its member-shareholders.

NCB also works with several credit unions in loan sales and loan participations. Our commitment to credit unions also extends to partnership programs and sponsorships with Inclusiv and the National Credit Union Foundation.

Current customers, please access our customer resource page for more information.  

happy man at bank with tablet

Products and Services

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    Treasury Management

    Save time and improve your cash flow operations with NCB’s treasury management solutions- built for small business retailers to large property management customers.


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    Correspondent Banking

    We offer a full suite of correspondent banking services for credit unions with no capital contribution requirement, competitive return on funds and fixed service fees.


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    Savings Accounts

    Maximize your returns with NCB’s competitive savings product including CD’s and MMDA accounts.


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    Lockbox and Payment Processing

    Our payment processing platform allows payments to be made online, in the office with a desktop scanner, or through traditional payment methods.


Community Investment Fund (CIF)

CIF is an award-winning philanthropic model that enables the credit union community to invest in a traditional deposit account, and contribute a portion or all of the interest earned to support national grant programs as well as the good works of the credit union state league foundations.


  • 6-mo, 12-mo, 18-mo, 2-yr, 3-yr terms currently available
  • Minimum opening deposit of $10,000
  • Interest compounded daily and paid quarterly
  • Interest earned can be automatically reinvested or transferred
  • Automatic renewal
  • eStatements available
  • Penalties for early withdrawal apply


  • Offers the liquidity of a savings account
  • Minimum opening deposit of $10,000
  • Six withdrawals per month, three by check
  • Interest compounded daily and paid quarterly
  • Online banking access
  • eStatements available


Unique to CIF with NCB, you may choose, from three options, how much of the interest will be contributed to NCUF: 50%, 75% or 100%.

Term Rate APY*
6 MONTH CD  3.75% 3.82%
12 MONTH CD  3.00% 3.05% 
18 MONTH CD  3.00% 3.05%
2 YEAR CD 3.00% 3.05%
3 YEAR CD  3.10%  3.15%
MMDA 1.50%  1.51%


Strong Supporter of Credit Unions, Leagues and CUSOs Nationwide

Success Stories

Mutual community-serving missions link NCB to credit unions
Mutual community-serving missions link NCB to credit unions
The bank works diligently to offer competitive banking solutions to our cooperative partners.
USALLIANCE Federal Credit Union is Moving Up in the Bronx
USALLIANCE Federal Credit Union is Moving Up in the Bronx
Members will no longer step down into a small basement office to make deposits or apply for loans.
High-Impact Lending for Low-Income Markets
High-Impact Lending for Low-Income Markets
A collaborative loan helps a North Carolina credit union improve its members’ lives


Customer Resource Portal

Current credit union customers, please use this link to direct you to NCB's Credit Union Portal to access forms, applications and due diligence documents for your account.  

Learn More


NCB Mission Report
NCB Mission Report
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